Manufacturing Suite
Production & Capacity Planning
Production Control (Shop Floor)
Production Costing
Quality Management
Preventive Maintenance

Reduce Costs
Improve Customer Relations
Textile Industry Special Requirements
Effective planning
Detailed & Immediate Analysis & Controlling
Provide Accessibility & Usability
Decision Support Information
Minimize discrepancy between the capacity of an organization and the demands of its customers.
Provide better utilization of existing capacity (machines or labors).
Better control of inventory management.
Improved scheduling.
Applying J.I.T concept in purchasing & production.
Improve customer satisfaction
Provide the final product in proper time , in propercost & in proper quantity .
Production & Capacity Planning
Planning cycle
Receiving demands (sales order – forecast – replenishment order.)
Arranging the demands according to its priority.
Distributing demand among resources.
Appling J.I.T policy.
Running M.R.P to determine demand’s requirements.
Generating initial M.O. for each finished & semi finished demand.
Determine start & end date for each initial M.O
Load distribution among resources.
User load manipulation.
Generating more than one scenario.
Approving M.O of one scenario.
Issuing purchasing requisitions for needed R.M.
R.M. reservation.
Planning Components
Product planning
Support multilevel B.O.M.
Support multi B.O.M for the same product.
Support scraps & yield handling.
Support fixed Qty consumption.
Support solution manipulation consumption.
Support textile adaptations for consumption.
(Consumption varies according to size & color).
Support loss ratio for raw material.
Raw materials distribution among different operations.
Support alternative items.
Copy B.O.M from B.O.M.
Support validity period & activation flag.
1- Multi level Manufacturing Resources (machine – labor – tool).
2- Capacity by Units or Time.
3- Multi calendars for the same resource
4- Multi shifts for the same resource.
5- Resource User Defined Attributes.
6- Utilization and Efficiency Percentage for Every Resource.
7- Support outsourcing resource.
Support more than one route for the same item.
Support one route for multiple items.
Support multiple operations.
Support operation over lapping.
By time
By percent of time
By Qty
Support various type of time for each operation.
Capacity Influence
Support out sourcing operations.
Support operations instructions.
Support automatic testing for the route
Support Copy route from route
Product planning
Support multiple P.L.T for the raw material depending on vendor.
Support fixed & variable P.L.T for each vendor.
Support multiple routes & B.O.M for each semi finished & finished product depending on :
Customer destinations
Support different types of order policy
Lot for order
Lot for model
Lot for lot
Lot for batch
Support forward & infinite capacity.
Support collective sales order, forecast & replenishment plans.
Support collective criteria according to
Document type (sales order, forecast, replenishment plan or all)
Period of time
Support more than one scenario for the same criteria
Support store group for materialmanagement.
Support under receipt qty for material management.
Support item / order selectivity
Support 3 methods for calculating the start & end date
Just in time. ( J.I.T)
Just in time operation.
Support scenario manipulation
Support scenario manipulation
Deleting scenario
Approving scenario
Change start date
Change P.L.T
Support graphical load over view.
Support detailed analysis for overload reasons.
Support user color presentation for overload
On manufacturing order basis
On operation basis
Release raw material requirement report.
Release for each scenario start and end date for each M.Os according to 3 types.
Automatic or manual release for approved manufacturing orders.
Automatic or manual reservation for raw material from stock upon user demand.
Automatic or manual reservation for raw material from purchase orders upon user demand.
Automatic or manual release for raw materials requisitions.
Automatic or manual release for outsourcing requisitions.
Production Control (Shop Floor)
Shop Floor Features
Fully integrated with AL MOTAKAMEL inventory system.
Fully integrated with AL MOTAKAMEL Quality control system.
Ability to create requisition for issuing or returning raw material from the costing module to be transferred to an issue or return note upon inventory user request.
Ability to link an inventory issue or return note with the costing module.
Ability to cost the finished good receiving note of a manufacturing order without physical posting of inventory module.
Ability to issue raw material for manufacturing order not included in the B.O.M under security permission.
Support good treatment for reproducing manufacturing order.
Support lot tracing capabilities.
Production Costing
Costing module features
User defined cost elements.
User defined productive cost center & servicing cost centers.
User defined cost center budget.
User defined distributing ratio of servicing cost centers on productive cost centers.
Ability to estimate production cost of any product before production.
Ability to analyze production cost of any product to its cost elements.
Comparing estimated cost with actual cost from different point of views
Raw Material (quantity – value)
Working hours (Number & values)
Comparison can be applied on
Manufacturing order
Products produced
Cost center
Ability to produce different products on the same manufacturing order and user can distribute the cost between these products on per defined setup ratio with ability to modify.
Fully integrated with ALMOTAKAMEL inventory system
Creating costing entries upon user request
Closing manufacturing order upon user request ( temporary – permanent )
Comprehensive method for work in progress treatment.
Quality Management
1- Different Quality Elements:
A- Fixed List (Verified By User).
B- Number (With MIN,MAX& Target For Result Auto Creation).
C- Text.
D- Date.
E- Formula (Calculate From Other Elements).
2- Special Quality For Customer And/Or Product.
3- Supporting Four & Six Points Systems.
4- Quality Plan & Inspection For Product Processing Operation.
5- Automatic (According To Defined Formula) Or Manual Quality Result.
6- Stock Transactions Quality.
7- Lot Tracking.
Preventive Maintenance
Equipment full detailed information including purchase , manufacturing ,parts , counters , meters , catalogs and operatingcautions & instructions .
Maintenance tasks describing estimated/shutdown/standby times , needed tools , materials , spare parts ,laborand executions instructions to optimize the achievement of maintenance services.
Maintenance routines describing maintenance Service which categorize , group and order maintenance tasks.
Inspections routines includes equipment checks , inspection tasks , instructions , labor ,materials
Equipment Monitoring transactions to monitor equipments operation conditions and performance in order to Avoid unexpected equipment failures.
Planning Master Schedule which schedule the maintenance and inspections routines supporting time (weekly, monthly, etc.), meter (hour meter ,heat meter, etc.) andcounter (piece counter ,etc.) based planning.
Supporting casual/sudden maintenance Requests.
Maintenance Queue managements which enable maintenance manager to approve, hold, cancel... any scheduled maintenance or inspection routine.